What is an orthopaedic surgeon

An orthopaedic surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

When scheduling an appointments at OSMC, do I need to have to have a referral from my primary care physician?

Every insurance plan has guidelines regarding referrals. OSMC partners with over 100 health plans, and Due to the large differences in all plans it is difficult to know all the details of each of them. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to know the requirements of your individual plan, and obtain a referral if necessary.

If I have had been treated by another physician, should I bring any records to my appointment?

Yes, once the second opinion is approved by one of the physicians any and all information from previous doctors visits outside of OSMC should be brought to on the date of your first appointment. This includes: medical records, surgical notes, x-rays, mri, etc.

Are there any forms I need to fill out and can I fill them out prior to my appointment.

Yes, there are several forms needed prior to your visit. All forms are available under the patient forms tab on the website.

What paperwork is needed for a first time visit and/or follow-up

Yes, on the date of your appointment your are asked to bring your drivers license, and a current copy of your insurance card. If you are involved in a car accident please bring your auto insurance policy as well as a copy of the accident claim. IF you have any documentation from another medical facility please bring those as well. The more information provided the better.

How do I know if services provides by orthopaedic and sports medicine center of Miami’s various departments are covered by my insurance

To find out the exact coverage of your individual health insurance policy, please contact your insurance provider and obtain a copy of your benefits. This will explain in detail what your individual plan covers as well as what you will be responsible for.

Does OSMC accept workers-compensation

Absolutely, if you would like to be treated at OSMC following an incident at your job here is what you need to do: Contact your business workers compensation adjuster to see if we are a participating practice. Once authorization is obtained the adjuster will schedule your appointment.

I have misplaced the exercises the doctor gave me during my appointment

Performing your home exercise plan is an import step in the injury healing process. If by chance you misplace your exercises you can always obtain a new copy by doing one of the following options. 1) Call and request a home exercise program by contacting the physical therapy department. 2) find your original home exercise plan under patient resources.

How do I know if I can attend physical therapy at OSMC

Once you are evaluated by a staff member at OSMC, and they have determined your condition requires physical therapy one of office assistants will inform you of your options based on your in particular insurance policy. In most cases patients are allowed to attend physical therapy right here at OSMC

What is arthroscopic surgery

Arthroscopic surgery ( arthroscopy) is a surgical procedure on a joint of the body using an arthroscope. This minimally invasive procedure can be performed to evaluate or treat many orthopaedic conditions including torn cartilage, tears in ligaments, or damage to muscles & tendons.
The advantage of arthroscopy over invasive surgery is that the joint does not have to be opened up fully. This decreases unneeded damage to tissue and increases the rate of healing and overall success of the procedure.

How do I know if I need arthroscopic surgery

Following an examination from one of our staff members, imaging may be ordered to confirm any damage you have sustained. Once the medical staff determines the extent of damage the proper intervention will be suggested.

When preparing for my upcoming surgery are there any steps I need to take leading up to the date of surgery?

Pre surgical preparedness is crucial for the success of your upcoming surgery, to see all steps you are responsible for please visit the patient forms page and download the appropriate checklist.

My medication that was perscribed has run out, what can I do to get my prescription refilled

To have a prescription refilled please call 305-661-7601 and follow the prompts to the refill voice mail. Please provide your name as well as the medication and the name address and phone number of your participating pharmacy

How do I obtain a copy of my medical records

To receive a copy of your medical records please call 305-661-7601 and follow the prompts to the medical records voice mail. Please provide your name, phone number, email as well the destination of the records or if they will picked up at out facility